Sunday, December 28, 2008

One of my favorite Digital designers

I have always loved her work and now I will be able to use it for personal use!
I'm so excited! Just wanted to send her new blog some love! :)

Go check it out! Her talent is amazing!

Misty Morgan Photography Will be closing February 2009

After much prayer I have decided to close my studio. It has been a wonderful
3 years! I have decided that I need to go back to being just a stay at home mom.
Family has always been the most important thing in my life and lately they sometimes
have had to take a backseat to my photography. For that reason I have decided to make a change.

I will always have a love for all things creative. I can get caught up on my scrapbooking! Although now I'm a digital scrapbooker!
I can't wait to use all the great things I've learned in Photoshop to jazz up my scrapbooks!

I'm sure I'll start a family blog soon to share things going on in our family as well as hopefully
some fabulous scrapbooking pages!

Much love.......Misty

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hot Shots

Here's a couple of samples from my
new Hot Shots sport collage line.
They are sized at a 10x20 and will be
an add on to any Senior Collection for $125.
Oh and girls, they're not just for boys!
Lots of fun stuff to do for your sports too!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Playing at the pool!

So I decided to take the day off and enjoy the pool today!

Of course, I had to get out my camera and play a bit!

Alaina's always up for a few pictures!! She's my best model!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Meet Reese......

These was just a dream session! He was a little angel!
Look at these rolls!! Adorable!!

This is why I LOVE my job!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

When life hands you lemons.......

Yeah, you know what they say.......

Make lemonade!

It has been a crazy couple of days around our house.
It started out yesterday when my dryer broke.
Like I didn't have backed up laundry all ready! Ha~
Then as we went to bed last night I thought I was
having a major hot flash but it turned out that the AC
on our side of the house had stopped working. So I ended up
sleeping on the couch! Bryan and I were supposed to leave
for Atlanta today. Things kept coming up and we never
got around to leaving. Well, now I know why! Taylor
had an accident playing volleyball today and ended up with a broken wrist!
So I have spent the last 3 hours at the Dr.'s office!

I hope next week goes a little better because this is
one week that I am ready to be OVER! Ok, I'm off to
have some lemonade! TTYL!

Monday, May 12, 2008

What a cute couple!

It was so great to meet up with Drew and Keely yesterday!

They are just so sweet together. I can't wait for the wedding!